Mother mother the sticks album
Mother mother the sticks album

mother mother the sticks album

"Sick of the Silence" breaks away from "Two", with lyrics and music that scream out and wish to be heard instead of being silenced and staying inside.

mother mother the sticks album

"Two" sounds like it could fit right at home on an Arcade Fire album (it specifically reminds me of "Neighborhood #3") and sets the isolationist tone of the album. Every song is distinct from one another, and each has a unique style to it. The main thing differentiating Inside from the other three post-Sticks albums is how musically engaging it is.

mother mother the sticks album

With a fresh perspective, I can say with confidence that Inside is a great album, and represents an important turning point for MM from here on out. But recently I gave the album a re-listen, allowing me to better work out my thoughts on the album. When Inside was released, I and many others considered the album to be another mediocre radio-friendly MM album. I significantly enjoy O My Heart, Eureka, and The Sticks compared to VGBT, No Culture, and D&C. Personally, I also lean towards that perspective. Obviously, this perspective isn't held by everyone in the community, but it's so noticeable that if you comb through the more popular posts on here you'll find hot takes about how MM's music has soured, with even more comments agreeing. That consensus is the opinion that the first four albums are the best and consistently great, while the latter four albums are mediocre or bad, and that Mother Mother should return to their old sound. In this community, I've noticed that there seems to be a common and vocal consensus about the quality of Mother Mother's albums.

Mother mother the sticks album